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  • Boat Diving

Boat Diving

We will work with you at our pool to practice entry styles, gear packing, boat etiquette, dive boxes, where to sit, safety gear, and more.

Starting from

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  • What to pack in a boat bag?
  • Where to sit and how to move around?
  • Getting in the water or even getting out?
  • How much and how do I tip?

Are these questions you have? Many new or even experienced divers are unsure of how to best enjoy boat diving on vacations. So whether you’re a rookie diver or a seasoned pro, it’s good to know the do’s and don’ts of boat diving etiquette.

We will work with you at our pool to practice entry styles, gear packing, boat etiquette, dive boxes, where to sit, safety gear, and more.

So get ready to enjoy your next boat diving adventure with our help.

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